Vocal sensation Kat Storm is possibly the most exiting thing to happen to Rockabilly in a Long, long time. She was born in Middlesbrough and moved to Scotland to live at the age of 9, she returned to England at 17, eventually ending up in Dorset in her early 20s with her then husband and 2 young kids.
Always musical she was in the Leadhills Silver Band as a youngster, playing cornet, trombone and even carried a bass drum. She has always loved to sing, mainly country and 60s tunes, until she learned about Guns N Roses. In her early 20s she sang in a choir which tackled Handel’s Messiah, an experience she loved. If there was no band to sing with, then she and her friends did Karaoke Kat started going to going to rock n roll nights from that and she loved the dresses, the dances and most of alls the music.

Kat met her husband Kevin at a burlesque rock n roll night in2011. Not only was Kevin a member of the 80’s Rockabilly band The Raiders, He is an accomplished Johnny Cash tribute act, he heard her singing along to a track in a car and suggested I would make a great June “As she had a lovely voice”. Kat supported Kev with his events and loved being involved in the music world, and more was to follow.
As Kat says, “The first time Kev got me to sing with him was a little pub in Weymouth, I went bright red and shook so hard and could barely speak never mind sing. But it was filled with familiar faces from the rocking scene who all encouraged me”. From there it became a thing for her to get up and sing Jackson (the Johnny and June Cash duet), with Kev and her repertoire grew. In 2012 the couple married in Gracelands and honeymooned in Memphis, visiting many sites of Rock and Roll history.
In 2024 having moved to Somerset, record producer Paul “Doc” Stewart was putting a new studio together in his home and put out a call for local musicians to help him test the new instillation. Kat sent him a video link to her singing with a Rockabilly trio, without knowing at the time that he had made his name producing Neo-Rockabilly and Psychobilly in the 1980s. Stewart said “I was immediately struck by the quality of her voice, which is both melodic and powerful, great for Rock and Roll and Blues”.
Signed to Stewart’s One Eleven Music company and Musicosis Records a three track E.P. “Lucky Lips” will be released in January 2025 and a CD album is in production.