Musicosis Records launched in January 2024 to showcase new music and new musicians and also release older material from  the decades of experience and back catalogue of our sister companies Paul Stewart Media and One Eleven Music.  One Eleven which is a music publishing and production company has been a PRS for Music member for over thirty years and we have been making records for even longer. So check back regularly to see what we’re making as we always have several projects in development and we are also releasing back catalogue.

We are part of Paul Stewart Media, a partnership founded by Paul and Vivien Stewart. Paul “Doc” Stewart* is a multi award winning media creator who is  a renowned Record Producer, Photographer and Film maker. Vivien Stewart is a Photographer, Film Producer and Visual Artist.

If you’re curious about our name, “Musicosis” is that thing where you get a tune and it’s so infectious that you can’t forget it, it’s some time called. an “Ear Worm”.  We like to think our music is that unforgettable, so please enjoy it.

*Doc Stewart is a full member of the Music Producers Guild